Mycelium Solutions
Phase 1: Design
Our expert design team creates customized mycelium solutions that precisely meet your packaging needs.

Prototype Design
Phase 2: Prototyping
We prioritize our clients’ needs, designing customized solutions that provide sustainable protection for their products. Our state-of-the-art facilities enable us to rapidly prototype and test products, ensuring that our packaging is of the highest quality and perfectly tailored to meet our clients’ needs.
7 Days to Grow
Phase 3: Production and QA
Under standard environmental conditions, the mycelium grows inside our facilities, allowing your packaging to emerge complete and ready for shipping in just seven days.

Packaging Capabilities
Simple made with 2 natural Ingredients
Mushroom Packaging is a cost-competitive, high-performance, and insulating protective packaging solution made from a blend of hemp hurd and mycelium.
Our Mushroom® Packaging sample kit includes a range of standard features that can be incorporated into custom designs, such as fillets, chamfers, draft angles, embossing, debossing, and different orientations. In addition to the sample part, the kit provides more detailed information about our innovative Mushroom® Packaging materials. Looking for an eco-friendly way to keep your products cool? Mushroom® Packaging coolers offer the same insulative properties as traditional foam coolers, but are fully home compostable and will biodegrade in just 45 days, returning to the soil without harming the environment Our Mushroom® Packaging breakaway corners are an eco-friendly solution for your packaging needs. Fully home compostable, these corners will biodegrade in just 45 days, returning to the soil without harming the environment. To use them as corners, simply break them apart at the seams. Each unit includes four corners.